목록컬럼 (1)
Data Modeling Evangelist Kaien Kim's Blog
카탈로그내에서 특정 컬럼을 참조하는 SP조회
select col.table_catalog, col.table_name, col.column_name, obj2.name as SP_Name, obj2.id as SP_ID from sysdepends dep, sysobjects obj, sysobjects obj2, information_schema.columns col where dep.depid = obj.id and dep.id = obj2.id and obj.name = col.table_name and col.column_name = 'ssn' and obj2.xtype='P' group by col.table_catalog, col.table_name, col.column_name, obj2.name, obj2.id etc... sp_ta..
2008. 11. 13. 18:37